MicroTAS 2017

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Workshop 1

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Workshop 11

Workshop 1 (Morning 9:00 - 12:00)


Presenter: Holger Becker, microfluidic ChipShop, GERMANY

Workshop Description: More than 25 years after the introduction of the concept of the miniaturized total chemical analysis system (uTAS) and about 20 years after the gold digger's frenzy about how this technology would revolutionize all aspects of chemical, biochemical or diagnostic analyses, it is worth to have a look how this technology has matured or at what places it might have made a wrong turn. The course will give an overview over the introduction and penetration of microfluidics technology into the markets and presents a range of applications and products. A review on roadblocks as well as success factors for the commercialization of microfluidic devices will be given as well as an overview on commercially available manufacturing routes with their specific application to microfluidics. Several examples of products and their development characteristics will be presented.

  1. Introduction
  2. Challenges in Product Development
  3. Case Studies
  4. Aspects of Commercialization
  5. Applications and Products
  6. Materials and Manufacturing Aspects in Microfluidics

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